Thursday, February 12, 2009

feb 12 & Garasil links

Feb 12, 2009
Hey Guys! What I thought was going to be a horrible day, turned out to be a better day for her. I woke up around midnight to her calling for me. She was in the middle of a "spell" I sat with her and rubbed massage oil on her back for quite a while. She finally drifted off to sleep. I am glad to say the "spells" seem more controlled now. At least she isn't folding her body backward. It is still painful for her. She told me she had 2 today in class, but she fought through them and won. Guess this is good, not sure. She attended school the last 2 hours of the day, b/c she was exhausted this mornning. When I picked her up from school, she wanted to hit The Villager to try on her prom dress again. Yep, I took her and while we were there, we purchased the shoes and jewerly for prom. Go figure. She seemed fine while we shopped. Actually tonight she was quite the little smart mouth and full of herself. She started wearing down around 9. Seems like she had more energy today. This is good. Now about me. LOL I really believe in my heart that her problem is def that Gardasil vaccine. The more I read, the more convinced I am. I called Dr. Matias and discussed it with her. After Steff's PT appointment at 1, I'm taking her Boone to give up some blood for more tests. I requested a lyme disease and thyroid, ideas from the Maryland nurse. Dr. M said she would run several more tests on her blood. Steff HATES to give blood, but she'll be okay. Don't expect to hear from St. Louis until Monday, but I will probably give them a call tomorrow anyway. Thanks for all the cards, balloons, flowers, love and prayers coming her way. We really appreciate it. It takes a village. Quote for the day... ..."It's just not don't know how not fair it is!" Steff while stating her case to go to the Harrisburg game. BTW, she won.

This might be overload for some of you, but it you are educated on the shot (unlike me) it might help you to make an educated decision for your girls, or any girls you know. If it is too much, just delete it. Robin

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