Friday, March 11, 2011

The Documentary is Going to Be Made!!!

This is very good news! The total pledged continues to rise! Awareness.

So, it has been kind of a different week for me. I was considering putting the video of Steff's seizure like episodes on the Truth About Gardasil Website. Of course, only with her permission. We video taped it while she was in the hospital for the doctors to study. I have one CD,the others are still in the DRs hands. I tried to watch it a couple of times, but my computer would not recognize the format. I could only watch a few seconds before it would stop. SO, the very nice guy at work = ) changed the format for me to make it easy to upload for youtube and the website. I brought it home, watched it... and well, much to my surprise, it took me to a very dark place. I had a rough few days after I viewed it. Not sure what that is all about. We lived it for 2 years, but I can't watch it for 6 minutes? WTH?
SO, I made the decision to NOT share. First off, if I'm going to share it, I need to run it by Steff. Do I want her to find this dark place that I did? Absolutely not. I really don't know what her reaction will be, but I do know that I don't want to find out. Not right now anyway. Perhaps this summer, when the sun is shining, she is full of life and has no demands from school. Until then, it's up and out of sight.
Back to me. LOL I wonder if I didn't get to process the emotions I had while she was going through that horrible time in her life. I wonder if I just kicked into "mom" mode, trying to find answers, reasons, and logic in all that was happening. Not sure. BUT I do know that I have struggled this week after watching it. Dave says I should be happy that we are not in that place anymore. I am, and I'm really not sure why it messed with my head so much. It was sad and very hard to watch. I cried all three times I watched it. For now, I have put it up... not too sure what/when/how... but for now, it is up and out of sight. As I watched it, I thought... How could anyone EVEN think a young girl could fake something like that. WHY would a young girl fake something like that? Perhaps, at that time, that is where my brain went. To the way the Doctors treated our sick child. ... ... my brain is on overload.. we'll come back to this another day.

It's Mother Daughter Weekend for ADPi. We will be going to the Jeff City Winery tomorrow, DeJaVu tomorrow night and Upper Crust on Sunday. Big Weekend. I'll enjoy the time with Steff. ♥
I'm out.. need to get some beauty sleep. LOL Like that's gonna help!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Vaccine Court Information

Yep, the documentary hit 33 thousand tonight. I DO believe it's going to happen. ♥♥ You gotta love it!

A friend sent me a link to Ustream, about Vaccine Court. Wow. I emailed it to a few of you, well okay, quite a few of you. LOL AND although it seemed to last a long time, it was very powerful. Emily Tarsell spoke of her daughter Chris, who died after the gardasil vaccine. An attorney spoke, his son is extreme autistic ~ he reminded me of myself when he said that he has learned more about vaccines & adverse effects than he ever thought was possible. Anyway, it was very enlightening. It makes you understand why the companies, like Merck, don't have to take responsibility for our kids. The fact that there are now 1 in 100 kids with autism OR the fact that 33 Vaccines are given to our kids before Kindergarten. They cannot be sued and it cannot be heard in a court until it goes through Vaccine Court. The attorney, which had experienced it, called it Kangaroo Court. It makes you STOP and realize, as negative as this may sound, it REALLY is all about the money. Who is watching out for our children?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday March 5, 2011

Saturday, March 5. All is quiet, supplements seem to be making a difference. I did get some information from the young lady I chatted with in Boonville. Interesting Info. I googled it and here is the link, if you are interested. It's about the PH balance of your body. 
Alkaline-Forming-Foods Diet. Pretty interesting. I need to go back into my blog and find her ph levels, I remember getting them from Dr. Mark.

Good news on the One More Girl Documentary ~   up to $31,100 ~    36 days to go ~
goal is $37,000 So, I would say, it's on the way to becoming a reality. This, my friends, makes me very happy. ♥ It's called validation.

Friday at work I was listening to Y107 raise money for the Children's Hospital. When I turned it on, a nurse was talking about her 17 year old daughter, how her joints and muscles ached. The daughter made her own appointment, then was referred to a Rheumatoid Dr.. ... Oh, goodness, how I wanted to call and ask if she had gotten the Gardasil shot. I didn't. But it is still heavy on my mind. The young girl saw the same RA Dr. as Steffanee. Thoughts on that one?

So, after a very rough week, irrelevant to Ms. Steffanee's health, I'm hoping for a chilling evening and nice day tomorrow, since it IS my Birthday. I stopped counting, but do enjoy the pampering the day brings. LOL

Have a GREAT week and remember, if I'm not blogging, our world is good. Wish the same for everyone.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Hello All. Seems like the sleeping is going better for Steffanee. It takes her a long time to get to sleep, and sometimes uses the deep breathing technique to relax that body and sleep. She told me that if she takes her new supplements early enough that she falls asleep and sleeps through the night. This is good. SO that is a step in the right direction. But the morning drink makes her very sleepy. I emailed Dr. B, his answer: work through it. Her body will adjust. I just emailed her that info today. LOL Not sure how that went over. = )
I went online last night, looking for the supplements, trying to learn what they are all for and how they work together. Yeah, I'll work on that more tonight. LOL Anyone understanding this, feel free to break it all down and email it to me. ♥
Dave goes in for surgery in the morning. Hoping all goes well there. Not up for discussion, but will share when it's over and he's better. You ALL know that nursing is NOT my calling. Should be a fun few weeks. LOL Life goes on.....
Had a  bake sale at work today for that One More Girl project.. made another $50. bringing our pledge to a whopping $970 ~ fundraisers & donations. Largest donation being $50. so you KNOW we've been working those fundraisers! I am very excited about getting that documentary made. Imagine how many people will get the information through it ~ and it will be real girls with their stories. Real families that have struggled through w/o much, if any, help from the medical field. Besides the fact that it completely validates all that we have been through. Yep, I do believe it will make a BIG difference. Doubt many will be getting those vaccines after that! April 11. Deadline to raise $37,000. March 1. Looks like we will make it. ♥♥
So, I'm out. Have a good week folks.